Family is Forever

Family is Forever

Sunday, August 12, 2007


As I mentioned in a previous blog, I got pre-approved for a new house. While I am thrilled, I'm nervous. I'm thinking this is probably the scariest thing I've ever done. Has anybody else ever felt that way? All these things run through my mind, like what if I lose my job, what if my car breaks down, what if I can't shop at Target anymore...

People keep telling me this is an investment. I'm getting a good rate, I'm not financing more than I can afford and its BRAND NEW. I guess I'm scared that this means I'm settling down. Which is really stupid b/c I've been settled. I love where I live, my family is here and furthermore I can't see myself leaving. So, why the jitters?

I should know by Tuesday whether or not the seller agrees to my offer. In the meantime, please pray for me. I want to know that I'm making a wise decision. Love, J


Anonymous said...

Sorry I haven't written in so long, but I've been reading! Congrats on making the offer on the house! Any news back from the seller yet? Oh, and I love the family pics!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Janie! Buying a house does not have to mean settling down. Look ant Alan and me... we've have bought houses and lived in 5 states in the past 8 years!