Family is Forever

Family is Forever

Monday, February 23, 2009

Lots and Lots of Updates

I know, I'm a slacker. Its been a whole month since I've blogged. This has been for a number of reasons. First because, I've been spending most of time at Josh's house and didn't get my internet transfered here until last Monday. I will post a nice long entry about that fiasco in a moment. Two, things are going pretty well with the move situation and I'm afraid that if I blog, I'll jinx it. I almost had a nervous breakdown (not really but you know what I mean...) at the beginning of the month when I transfered my cable and phone services to Josh's house. At first I thought it was because I felt like I was giving up my brand new house for an older house that wasn't even mine. Then as the week progressed and I actually shared my feelings with Josh, I realized it wasn't so much the physical/cosmetics of the whole deal but rather that I feared losing my independence by living with him. Josh has been soooo patient with me and I now realize that it doesn't matter if we live in a tent. What matters is that we are together. I think I've found a keeper. Which of course is another big adjustment. I'm used to being on my own, taking care of me and basically doing things on my own. Its taking some getting used to but I'm slowing adjusting to having someone there to help me and love me for me. (you know what I mean, someone besides my mother, lol!)

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

I am glad it is working out, and you are so happy.

You know you have a keeper Janie when they will bend over backwards to do whatever makes you happy, and you would do the same in return. I am so glad you have that.