Family is Forever

Family is Forever

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Gone With The Wind!

I thought this was funny so I'm going to share... For those of you who don't know, I have a terrible love for cake icing, especially from Publix. Well, today a little girl had a birthday party at school and wouldn't ya know it, she had a cake from Publix! Since I've been doing this Jenny Craig diet (3 weeks) I've been icing clean. Well, I couldn't take it today. So, I asked for a piece of the cake. I wrapped it up on a paper plate and put it on the hood of my car to load my crate and backpack. Wouldn't you know it, the wind blew my cake across the parking lot! I figured that was the Jenny Craig gods stopping me from indulging.


Alyssa said...

AH AHAHAHHAHAHHAHHA!!!!! You are so crazy!! Way to go for losing the cake though. I am so glad you are doing so well on Jenny Craig.

Patyrish said...

Aww so sad.....if I were you I may have cried watching my beloved cake scrape across the parking lot.
Those Jenny Craig Gods are watching you! Way to go I am so proud you are doign so well!