Family is Forever

Family is Forever

Friday, March 31, 2006

Life IS a bowl of cherries...

Hi friends! I've felt so out of sorts these past few weeks without access to a computer. My hard drive at school was considered evidence for an investigation (I was NOT involved in the investigation!)and so I just got it back this past Tuesday. I feel more in touch with the world now! My co-teacher has been terrific about letting me use her computer but I didn't feel comfortable writing blogs or searching for things on someone elses computer.

So, here I am back in Wakulla. I forgot how beautiful it is here in the spring. I wake up to the sound of birds chirping, as opposed to police and fire sirens! The early mornings are rough, as I have to be up by 5:45 am to be on time for work. We have to be at school by 7:25am but we get out at 3pm. I like having longer afternoons. Until my house is finished I am living with my friend Maggie in Tallahassee. She was gracious to let me and my dog stay with her.

My anxiety hasn't been too bad since I've moved back. I have been doing alot of deep breathing, taking walks and LOTS of praying. The kids I work with are tough. By tough I mean they are between the ages of 15-20 years old. Disabilities include language impairments, behavior disorders, learning disabilities and mild mental handicaps. They all are on special diploma which basically means if they want a real job after graduation they have to get a GED. Most of them come from rough family backgrounds. I have a couple who have done some time and a couple who I'm sure are well on their way. They can't pass the FCAT but are smart enough to know that they are in ESE. (Do you catch my drift?) Some of the boys enjoy making CD's. They are quite talented! Seriously... I have a couple who play football and basketball and one that's on the weightlifting team. There again, this is great but without a regular diploma, they can't get drafted by universities. (a couple have already been asked, only to find out they can't go to college with a special diploma!) The girls are all excited because prom is coming up soon. I'm kind of excited too. I think I may chaperone. Its fun being back here at the high school I graduated from. The other cool thing is that I remember alot of the kids from when they were an elementary school.

I was driving home from work the other day questioning my decision to move back. I was thinking about my HUGE cut in pay, leaving my centers on such short notice, etc. Then I was reminded that despite having no money (what's new???), I can pick my niece and nephew up after school. I can have dinner with my mom. My dog has a backyard to run around in. I feel like I belong. So, there's no questioning of my decision anymore.


Patyrish said...

THANK GOD YOU ARE POSTING AGAIN! I was going through withdrawls! You have surely taken on a challenging position but I am sure you can do it and it will be incredibly rewarding for you. It takes a special person to work in that field.
I too would love getting home earlier but honestly I would hate getting up at 5:45 every day. Ugh that makes me tired just thinking about it! I guess you get used to it though!
Keep updating girl, when will your house be finished? What are they doing to it!?

Alyssa said...

Glad to have you back!! Missed hearing from ya!! I truly believe that you will be GREAT with these kids. I will be praying for ya!!

Patyrish said...

Update your blog girl!