Family is Forever

Family is Forever

Saturday, February 17, 2007

For the first time in a long time...

You know what? For the first time in a long time I am happy. Not in a crazy, living life half drunk happy. Nope, this is the I-have-300 dollars-left in my checking account till payday, oh God please don't let anything break-happy! You know what I mean. I am satisfied with me. When I look in the mirror, I see a beautiful successful woman who is encouraged about her future. Being married with kids or having lots of money or owning a big home isn't going to determine who I am anymore. (Which is a good thing, since I don't have any of those things, lol.) No, my doctor hasn't upped my meds, I'm just at peace. Its funny, because I'm starting to notice things like birds chirping, the fresh smell of clean clothes, and how beautiful my mother looks when she talks about the upcoming arrival of her first grandson.

Which, by the way, the doctor is planning on inducing Molly next Sunday evening, unless the baby decides to come sooner. Please keep her and Eric in your prayers. Molly is scared out of her mind. Can you blame her? Everytime I think about what she's about to do, my stomach hurts. I called her last Wednesday and she was cleaning her kitchen. For those of you who know my sister, you know that she doesn't clean, so this was a shocker. I think she's nesting. Her contractions are 10 minutes apart, so anyday now!!! I will be posting pictures as soon as Thomas graces us with his presence.

As for Jenny Craig, I'm still going strong. I'm only down 10 and half pounds, but I swear I'm losing inches. Clothes I haven't worn since West Palm Beach are actually fitting. I have more energy. Yes, energy. I've been able to jog for 20 minutes straight and I wasn't running from the police. Can you believe it? Well, I'm off to the gym. Write me back and tell me what's going on in your neck of the woods. Love you, J

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