Family is Forever

Family is Forever

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Beer, Men, Chocolate, and Sushi:

Four things I can't seem to get enough of! The problem is, when consumed in an over abundance, bad things seem to happen. You know, weight gain, hang overs, and just plain feeling crappy. (Ok, I guess using the word 'consumed' doesn't really make sense in regards to the men for this particular entry, but let me explain!) So, a couple of weeks ago I noticed this guy teacher from our local high school had moved into my complex. I had noticed him when I taught there last spring but was too busy with other issues in life to talk to him. Since some time has passed and I am feeling more confident about myself I decided to pursue him. (sorry about the grammar) So, I bought some cookies and thought I'd take them over to him, you know, and welcome him to the neighborhood. (That way I could figure out if he was single or not.) My friend Maggie suggested I bake cookies or at least put the store bought cookies in a container to make them look like they were home made. I politely told her that where I come from, if a stranger gives you something home made, you definitely do NOT eat it, it could be poisonous. (do my South Florida friends agree???) So, I wait all day to deliver the cookies but he never comes home. I burned alot of calories going up and down those damn stairs checking to see if he was home! So, the next day, I ask around at school about him. Oh the priviledges of living in a small town! By 2:30pm I found out that he had a crazy ex-wife, two or three kids, enjoyed gambling and extra marital affairs. Boy, can I pick them? I'm sure glad he didn't get my cookies. So, I'm back to my old theory for finding a man... unless he falls out of the sky with a note from God that says, "Janie, I made him for you," I quit. No more, surfing the internet, no more baking... I mean buying, cookies. Right now, I'm going to concentrate on losing weight, enjoying my nephew (once he arrives) and being happy with the status quo. As for the beer, sushi and chocolate. I think I'm going to have to go cold turkey in those areas too!

1 comment:

Amy M said...

You always make me laugh. You are so clever! So, if it was me with a leftover box of cookies, I'd eat them all! Yikes. (On Gray's Anatomy Izzie said if you eat a tub of butter all alone, the calories don't count. Does that count for cookies too?)

Also, good call on not saying mean things about me and our co-teaching adventure! I got a little nervous there for a minute! I might have needed therapy myself! Heck, we are all "at risk".... some of us just don't have our labels yet!
Love you Janie!