Family is Forever

Family is Forever

Monday, February 05, 2007

I am the girl who...

Hi Friends! I hope everybody is staying warm and dry. Things are going well here. I am still happy where I live, I like my job and all is well. If you remember from a previous entry I told you that my niece and nephew (Jes' kids) bought me TKD lessons for Christmas. Well, tonight was my first and LAST class. I did fine until the instructor paired me up with this country bumkin from the sticks. He had been to a few more classes than me so he thought he knew everything. So, he felt it was his duty to teach me. Unfortunately, he didn't have a teaching degree and sucked. He mumbled and couldn't explain himself properly. I know I internalized the situation but all these bad memories came flooding through my mind and I was on the verge of tears, so I left. Yep, I left 15 minutes before the class was over. I started thinking about things like the time I tried out for the flag corp in high school, learning to line dance for the Miss Wakulla Pageant, playing softball for the church and cheerleading for the rec park in 6th grade (what a joke that was!) I was also upset because I knew before going that I am NOT coordinated and shouldn't be there. But I thought I'd be optimistic and try something new, have an open-mind. Bull- I am NOT coordinated and that is ok by me. I have just recently learned to drink water while walking on the treadmill. I am the girl who enjoys writing, scrapbooking, shopping, etc.

I stopped by my mom's after I left the class knowing that if I told her what I had done, she'd get onto me for being hard on myself and leaving the class early. I still needed to talk to her. Yep, she got onto me. She said, "What do you tell your kids when they have trouble learning a new task?" Its different, I think. Them learning to go potty or how to walk doesn't affect whether other people win or lose.

I'm proud of myself because my first instinct was to stop by McDonalds and get a cheeseburger Happy Meal, but I didn't. Instead I'm going to go eat my yummy Jenny Craig meal. First I need to scrub my feet. I had to work barefoot on plastic mats at TKD. Can someone say, "There's a Fungus Among Us?"

Whew, I feel a bit better. I hope everyone is doing good! Love, J

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Girl, you crack me up!!

I have no coordination either--I think it runs in my family. My mom, Trish, and I keep in touch by phone about our falling episodes. We kinda take turns. My most recent episode was at my mom's. She kept Delaney for a couple of hours, and my Nanny had Micah, so Herman and I could have an evening alone. When we picked up Delaney, I tripped on a crack in the driveway, and did a belly flop after skidding on my right knee for a while. Thank GOD Herman had Delaney. I had to warn my mother and Trish, because it is their turn next. Sad, sad, sad.

I tried taking an aerobics class at Ocala Women's Fitness center, but all the snickering at my inability to get the dance routine down started to get me pissed. LOL. They even giggled at me when I was in the back of the room. Damn mirrors. Can you say three left feet????

I commend your bravery on the TKD venture. I probably would have used it for Herman or Micah, because I would DEFINITLEY get my ass kicked there, then I would fall on the floor and get laughed at trying ot make my escape.

At least you have some sympathetic friends who are just as uncoordinated and klutzy as you.

Love ya girl!!