Why is it that when I go into a store and they have the word 'Clearance' or red stickers covering the original price of an item I get excited? Is that sick or what? The scary thing is, I want to buy whatever it is because its "on sale." I was in Wal-Mart yesterday and they had wedding bubbles on clearance for like 7 dollars. Ok, I've only been dating Josh for 3 months and I don't see marriage anywhere in the future for quite some time, if at all. What the hell do I need with wedding bubbles?
Is this a woman thing or am I just insane?
Friday, July 25, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Why is it so hard to look good?
You know, guys have it made. To get dressed up, they can get away with a polo and a nice pair of jeans. If they have hair, they put a little gel in it or if they're like my boyfriend, they're bald, no big deal. Girls... its a different story. I love my hair but lets face it, its a mess unless I have it in a clip. It doesn't matter if I use a Chi to straighten it, its all over my head! What's the point? I bought this cute purple top (the one in the picture of me and Jes) for like $6. I was so proud of it. My cleavage looked great except for the fact that my bra kept popping up! So, in every picture you see a hint of black. I felt like someone was playing tug-of-war with my body. My jeans were low-rise so I wore a thong. (sorry, don't visualize.) Whoever made those things had to be some sadistic wierdo! So, as I was saying, tug-of-war. My neck was being pulled by the tie up sash on the cute shirt and the thong was pulling from the other end. I could NOT wait to go home and change. Let's face it, I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of chick. Thank God my boyfriend likes that way. I guess that's why we get along!
I'm supposed to be...
I should be doing something productive like preparing for my class that is tomorrow night but instead I am in front of the computer. Oh well, It'll all get done. So, a group of friends went out last night for Staci's birthday. We had a nice time. A friend of ours from high school was playing at a local restaurant so we went and listened to him. I thought I'd post this picture of me and Jes. I really liked it.

I have to say we look pretty hot. Things really do get better with age, lol! Jes is preparing for a half marathon! Can you believe it? My hat is off to her. I'm still working on the art of perfecting the 5k. I have absolutely NO desire to run any farther than 3.1 miles unless I am being chased by the cops or an alligator.

I have to say we look pretty hot. Things really do get better with age, lol! Jes is preparing for a half marathon! Can you believe it? My hat is off to her. I'm still working on the art of perfecting the 5k. I have absolutely NO desire to run any farther than 3.1 miles unless I am being chased by the cops or an alligator.
A Trip to the Marine Lab

I took Thomas to the Marine Lab a few weeks ago. Here are some photos. Thomas is the cutest thing ever. He's wearing a 3T top, 2T bottom and size 9 shoes! He has an amazing vocabulary and memory. We have to watch our language these days! His smile brightens up the room. I still can't figure out who he looks like. There are days when I see only Eric, but then I see Molly too. He's quite sensitive like me. I guess he's just got a little bit of everybody in him. Anyway, enjoy the pics!
My Grandma T.
My aunt and I were having one of our deep discussions over 4th of July vacation. We were talking about my Grandma and what a strong vibrant woman she was. She had a strong southern accent with a 6th grade education but to me she is the wisest woman you will ever meet. I walked by someone the other day and smelled the slight scent of Railroad Mill snuff and it reminded me of my Grandma. Yes, she dipped but lord was she clean about it. You never saw this woman without two or three kleenexes, Bounty papertowels and a styrofoam cup. I don't need to explain what they were used for.
Anyway, my aunt and I were talking about the past and she reminded me of something Grandma used to preach to us. She'd say, "Never depend on a man and never wear cheap shoes or bras!" Gosh, I sure do miss that woman! So far, I think we've made her very proud.
Anyway, my aunt and I were talking about the past and she reminded me of something Grandma used to preach to us. She'd say, "Never depend on a man and never wear cheap shoes or bras!" Gosh, I sure do miss that woman! So far, I think we've made her very proud.
Hopes and Dreams
My friend Amber is reading a book called "The Last Lecture." Its written by a guy who is dying from cancer. In the book the guy writes short messages to his children about life. Amber says its really inspiring and everyone should read it. One of the lessons the author writes about is encouraging your children to share their dreams for the future while they are still children. Amber said it really hit home for her and that she doesn't remember having any dreams for the future as a young child. She said this is one thing she wants for her children.
Thinking back to my childhood I'm not really sure I had big plans for the future. I remember my parents telling me I could be anything I wanted to be as I long as I got an education. When I was four, I remember wanting to be a nurse, teacher and a country music singer. Obviously, I chose teaching. Which is a good thing because I get nauseated at the sight of blood and I can't follow a beat to save my life! You know, I'm grateful to my parents for instilling in me the value of an education. Neither one of my parents have college degrees. My daddy didn't even have a high school diploma. (Please don't misunderstand me. I believe my parents were wise and wonderful parents.) My point is that they both wanted better for me and my sister. (again, I feel the need to explain... my parents provided Molly and I with the best of everything. We were poor but didn't even know it. I just think my parents didn't have a chance to fulfill their dreams because they worked so hard for us.)
Perhaps I'm rambling, but I'm not so sure that having a college education is the key to happiness. I think its more important to have a plan and do what makes you happy. I was fortunate to know at an early age what I wanted to be. Some people don't always know what they want to be when they grow up.
Anyway, to sum up this entry, I guess what I'm getting at is this... its important to talk with kids about the future. Encourage and build them up so that when they do decide what they want to be/do they have the self-confidence to do so. For that I am eternally grateful to my mom and dad!
Thinking back to my childhood I'm not really sure I had big plans for the future. I remember my parents telling me I could be anything I wanted to be as I long as I got an education. When I was four, I remember wanting to be a nurse, teacher and a country music singer. Obviously, I chose teaching. Which is a good thing because I get nauseated at the sight of blood and I can't follow a beat to save my life! You know, I'm grateful to my parents for instilling in me the value of an education. Neither one of my parents have college degrees. My daddy didn't even have a high school diploma. (Please don't misunderstand me. I believe my parents were wise and wonderful parents.) My point is that they both wanted better for me and my sister. (again, I feel the need to explain... my parents provided Molly and I with the best of everything. We were poor but didn't even know it. I just think my parents didn't have a chance to fulfill their dreams because they worked so hard for us.)
Perhaps I'm rambling, but I'm not so sure that having a college education is the key to happiness. I think its more important to have a plan and do what makes you happy. I was fortunate to know at an early age what I wanted to be. Some people don't always know what they want to be when they grow up.
Anyway, to sum up this entry, I guess what I'm getting at is this... its important to talk with kids about the future. Encourage and build them up so that when they do decide what they want to be/do they have the self-confidence to do so. For that I am eternally grateful to my mom and dad!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I'm Back!!!

I had the most relaxing, wonderful time in West Virginia. When Maggie first moved back home I worried that we wouldn't remain friends. If anything, I think our friendship is stronger. Its funny how when we get together we just pick up where we left off. Monday, we took Luc to the baby pool at the city park. We both just started laughing when I asked, "Did you ever imagine 2 years ago that we'd be sitting in a baby pool?" Our lives have definitely slowed down. I have to say it is all for the better.
Stealing a Quote...
I've been doing some major plagerism here lately. Actually, I don't think its considered plagerism if you cite where you got it from. So, I saw this quote on my friend's blog: "Sometimes blind faith is all that's left to hold on to." That's so me these days. This "whole dating relationship thingy" has lasted 8 weeks! The wonderful thing is, I really like this guy. The scary thing is the unknown. I worry way too much. I seriously need to enjoy things for what they are and stop overanalyzing things because in all honesty, this has been the best 8 weeks of my life so far. So... if things don't work out, at least I've had 8 wonderful weeks with someone as opposed to being alone. Why do things have to be so darn complicated?
The Giving Tree
Thursday, July 03, 2008
I'm On My Way...
to the great state of West Virginia! I'm leaving for Altamonte Springs today to visit with my aunt and uncle. They are gracious enough to take me to the airport in Sanford on Saturday where I'll be flying to West Virginia to visit my very dear friend Maggie and her family. I'm so excited to meet her baby boy, Luc. He was born in December and I have yet to meet him! Besides the great state of Florida I can't think of another place I'd consider living other than West Virginia. Its so green there, the people are friendly and they have great sales on clothes! Maggie and her husband L.R. bought me a plane ticket for my birthday to come visit. I can't wait to see everybody. So, I'll be putting the blogging on hold for a while. Talk to you in a week!
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