So I bought the movie, Sex and the City. My friends and I used to religiously watch every single episode of the tv show when it was on. I can't believe I never went to the theater to see the movie but for some strange reason I didn't. So, I finally watched it last Tuesday night. It was a bittersweet experience. The whole time I'm watching it I felt like someone was missing... actually 3 people were missing: Maggie, Staci and Bobbie. It was wierd to watch it without them there.
Of course watching it only made my desire to go back to NYC even greater. Unfortunately, I have a bit of a cash shortage as do my friends. I don't think they would be offended for me admitting that. At least I hope not!
While the entire movie was great the last part of it really hit home. Carrie is at a book signing and she says something to the effect of, "why is it as women when it comes to relationships and marriage we can write our own vows, but we can't write our own rules?"
I'm at this point in my relationship with Josh where I really want to know where the whole thing is headed. We've said the "I Love You" thing. We see each other at least 4 days out of the week. (technically 6, if you count the next morning after spending the night.) So, what's next? Or, is there even going to be something next? Better yet, do I want something else or am I content with the status quo? Who freakin' knows? All I know is that when I'm not with him, I'm thinking about him. When I'm with him, all I can do is think about how handsome he is and how much I love him. Even when I'm pissed or confused with him, I'm still in love with him. Lord, I think I'm going crazy!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Dance Class Drop Outs
Well, Thomas and I didn't quite dig the whole "Aunty and Me" class so we dropped out. It was actually Thomas who plain as day told us that his dancing shoes were too tight and he didn't like going. He's 18 months old so we figured what the heck? Why make the kid dance if he hates it so much?
On a more positve note, my sister has been taking him to a "Little Critters" class at the Jr. Museum. He LOVES it. He pets snakes and baby alligators. I think we have a biologist on our hands.
My step-dad built a chicken coup and bought Thomas some chicks. Thomas thinks they're the greatest things.
On a more positve note, my sister has been taking him to a "Little Critters" class at the Jr. Museum. He LOVES it. He pets snakes and baby alligators. I think we have a biologist on our hands.
My step-dad built a chicken coup and bought Thomas some chicks. Thomas thinks they're the greatest things.
I'm running again...
The weather has been fairly decent here in the great Panhandle so I've actually been able to run again. Today I ran for 8 minutes straight. I know for some that's not good but I had to start all over because I haven't ran since May.
It makes me feel really good when I run. I'm maintaining my weight. I fluctuate 4-6 pounds but overall I'm maintaining. I'm trying to sike myself up to lose the last 20 pounds but so far I haven't been successful. I enjoy beer way too much. Josh is leaving for Niceville in a couple of weeks. I'm hoping that while he's gone I can go on my 3 day protein kick and get back to the low carb deal. Wish me luck!
It makes me feel really good when I run. I'm maintaining my weight. I fluctuate 4-6 pounds but overall I'm maintaining. I'm trying to sike myself up to lose the last 20 pounds but so far I haven't been successful. I enjoy beer way too much. Josh is leaving for Niceville in a couple of weeks. I'm hoping that while he's gone I can go on my 3 day protein kick and get back to the low carb deal. Wish me luck!
Good News
So I went to the dermatologist for a check up on my vitiligo and guess what??? The creams are working on most of the white spots so I'm slowly getting pigment back. Pretty exciting stuff.
On the downside of things, I am getting these ever-so-lovely dark spots above my top lip. Apparently birth control pills cause hormonal changes which cause the spots! So, the dermatologist gave me a prescription for a cream for that. When I went to get it filled I discovered that its NOT covered under my insurance so it costs a whopping $185!!! Guess I'll be using alot of foundation because there is no way in hell I'm paying that kind of money for cosmetic reasons.
On the downside of things, I am getting these ever-so-lovely dark spots above my top lip. Apparently birth control pills cause hormonal changes which cause the spots! So, the dermatologist gave me a prescription for a cream for that. When I went to get it filled I discovered that its NOT covered under my insurance so it costs a whopping $185!!! Guess I'll be using alot of foundation because there is no way in hell I'm paying that kind of money for cosmetic reasons.
Confession Time
I have a problem... it starts with a "b" and ends with a "g." Can you guess what it is? Its called "Budgeting." (Please note: this isn't a feel-sorry-for-me entry. I'm blessed to have money to pay my bills and a little left over for spending.) You'd think after 10 years of teaching, 7 of which I've lived on my own, I'd be a little better at budgeting. The problem is I have a Budlight taste for things and I'm living on a Natural Lite budget. Call me a redneck. I know its supposed to be wine vs. beer but I thought my analogy was funnier.
This month I'm going to try something new. I listed all my bills and paid them up front on paper. Then I subtracted the leftover money and divided it by 4. That's going to be how much I have to spend for each week. My problem is I can't say "no." I'm a sucker for fundraisers. I love to shop and eat out.
This summer I worked really hard to pay off all but one of my credit cards and wouldn't you know it... I've racked one up again! Lord, I hope this budgeting thing works.
I figured if I wrote it all down then maybe it help me be a bit more accountable. Who knows???
This month I'm going to try something new. I listed all my bills and paid them up front on paper. Then I subtracted the leftover money and divided it by 4. That's going to be how much I have to spend for each week. My problem is I can't say "no." I'm a sucker for fundraisers. I love to shop and eat out.
This summer I worked really hard to pay off all but one of my credit cards and wouldn't you know it... I've racked one up again! Lord, I hope this budgeting thing works.
I figured if I wrote it all down then maybe it help me be a bit more accountable. Who knows???
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The hor(se) that bit my finger...

Those of you who know me well, know about my tremendous fear of birds. The only way I like birds are fried and from KFC! When I was about 3 years old my parents took me to Lion Country Safari. To this day, I remember the experience, vividly... picture it, a cute 3 year old blonde bends over to smell a flower and SNAP... a duck bites her back! I kid you not, 29 years later and I still hate birds!
I'm writing all of this to tell you about my nephew Thomas'experience with a horse. He is enamored with the Jr. Museum these days. So my sister got him an annual pass. He discovered that the horses like grass and insists on feeding them. (Little did we know that there is a big sign that says, "please do not feed the horses." Oops!)
Monday night at dinner he shows me his middle finger bandaged up and says, "Nanie, whore bit my finger!" He meant horse but it just came out "whore." It was really funny. Poor baby, he won't be feeding the whores anymore!
Monday, September 08, 2008
Marriage Material
How do you know if you're marriage material or not? Don't get excited... there hasn't been a proposal, but we've briefly talked about it. I remember in high school having to plan my dream wedding. I really enjoyed doing that assignment. I've dreamed of having the perfect wedding/marriage practically all of my life. While I still entertain the thought of it all, it really scares the crap of out me. Those of you who know me, know its taken me many years to discover myself and make my own decisions about life. (I won't get into all that here.) Then there's those rediculous yet realistic fears of mine from past experiences (i.e. him leaving me or dying.) I won't even discuss my feelings on being a mom. (talk about fear, exhaustion, and anxiety!)
I love my life. I have the best of both worlds right now. Josh comes to my house. I go to his. He does his thing, I do mine. It works. I guess my point to this is I'm not going to worry about getting married. I'm going to enjoy what I've got right now. If we continue to date and he proposes, then we'll see. Right now, I'm enjoying life one day at a time!
I love my life. I have the best of both worlds right now. Josh comes to my house. I go to his. He does his thing, I do mine. It works. I guess my point to this is I'm not going to worry about getting married. I'm going to enjoy what I've got right now. If we continue to date and he proposes, then we'll see. Right now, I'm enjoying life one day at a time!
Its Crazy...
so I thought I'd post an entry on some crazy stuff related to me...
1. I will have lived in my house for an entire year on September 12th and the scary thing is... I still love it here! (those of you who know me, know my average stay is 6-10 months!)
2. I haven't been to the mall in a month! (that would be thanks to being in love)
3. I've been cooking and guess what? I enjoy it!
4. I've managed 4 whole months of dating the same guy and haven't tried to run away. (Lord, I hope I haven't jinxed that one!)
I'll post more later, but I thought this was enough for now.
1. I will have lived in my house for an entire year on September 12th and the scary thing is... I still love it here! (those of you who know me, know my average stay is 6-10 months!)
2. I haven't been to the mall in a month! (that would be thanks to being in love)
3. I've been cooking and guess what? I enjoy it!
4. I've managed 4 whole months of dating the same guy and haven't tried to run away. (Lord, I hope I haven't jinxed that one!)
I'll post more later, but I thought this was enough for now.
Osaka's with Thomas
Booty Ballet

My friend Jes and I have been taking a Booty Ballet class on Wednesday nights. Its alot of fun even though I am the most uncoordinated person in the class. I love getting to wear a leotard with cute tops that camoflage my tummy. (Still a stubborn spot that I must deal with... sorry I digressed...) Anyway, I also love the instructor. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to take dance classes with this lady but never did because, well... as I've mentioned before I suck at anything that requires coordination. Anyway, its an honor to take a class taught by her.
I think however, the best part of the class is going out for margaritas with Jes after the class. They are yummy, delicious. The only problem is, I like to eat the chips and salsa too. It probably defeats the purpose of exercising! Oh well...
Sunday, September 07, 2008
I had to laugh...
I love teaching and I love where I work but sometimes I just wonder where people come from. Picture it... second week of school, children with developmental delays, some have never left their grandma's front porch before coming to school and I hear a teacher complain, "my students can't even walk in a straight line!" I had to laugh to keep from saying something really inappropriate. Instead I thought to myself, "they need to thank God their students can even walk!" (that wasn't meant to be derrogative towards my students. that's just me putting things into perspective!)
reality bites!!!
(As my friend Wendi says, "I have to set the stage first" in order to get to the point of this entry...) As most people know, I teach kiddos with special needs. Most of my experience has involved teaching children with learning and/or emotional disabilities... autism included. This years group is different. Different meaning, I haven't really dealt with so many motor/physical needs before. Don't get me wrong, I am LOVING it. They are all so sweet and cuddly. Its exciting to see enthusiasm for learning for a change. These students range in ages from 2-5. I have one with Down's Syndrome, 3 with other various chromosome syndromes, two with Cerebral Palsy, one with Spina Bifida and one, that's well... just delayed.
Ok, now that I've set the stage, I can get into the point of my entry. AS an ESE teacher I've always felt its my responsibility to focus on the positive. We focus on what these kiddos CAN do rather than what they can't. We try to be cheerleaders for their parents and advocates for them. With all this said, my heart ached this past Tuesday for both Sam and his family. Sam is an adorable 2 and a half year old with CP. Cognitively, he really has it going on. He does have some expressive aphasia (trouble getting out what he wants to say. His main issues are physical. He can't sit up without support and he can't walk. His parents recently got him fitted for a wheelchair and Tuesday was his first day riding the bus, not to mention the fact that it was his first day riding the bus in a wheelchair! His mom called to let us know that he would be coming in on the bus and that it was a very traumatic experience for him. She was in tears as she told me that while she hated it for Sam, it was his reality. He is going to need a wheelchair. He isn't always going to be able be carried and for motor/physical support, he NEEDS the wheelchair.
That afternoon, as I put Sam on the bus, I felt my eyes well up with tears. I smiled and cheered for him and told him he was a brave, big boy but inside my heart was breaking. I know I'm rambling and I've said this before, but I'm saying it again... my heart goes out to parents and families of children with special needs. There reality is not our reality and sometimes it well... just plain bites!
(As my friend Wendi says, "I have to set the stage first" in order to get to the point of this entry...) As most people know, I teach kiddos with special needs. Most of my experience has involved teaching children with learning and/or emotional disabilities... autism included. This years group is different. Different meaning, I haven't really dealt with so many motor/physical needs before. Don't get me wrong, I am LOVING it. They are all so sweet and cuddly. Its exciting to see enthusiasm for learning for a change. These students range in ages from 2-5. I have one with Down's Syndrome, 3 with other various chromosome syndromes, two with Cerebral Palsy, one with Spina Bifida and one, that's well... just delayed.
Ok, now that I've set the stage, I can get into the point of my entry. AS an ESE teacher I've always felt its my responsibility to focus on the positive. We focus on what these kiddos CAN do rather than what they can't. We try to be cheerleaders for their parents and advocates for them. With all this said, my heart ached this past Tuesday for both Sam and his family. Sam is an adorable 2 and a half year old with CP. Cognitively, he really has it going on. He does have some expressive aphasia (trouble getting out what he wants to say. His main issues are physical. He can't sit up without support and he can't walk. His parents recently got him fitted for a wheelchair and Tuesday was his first day riding the bus, not to mention the fact that it was his first day riding the bus in a wheelchair! His mom called to let us know that he would be coming in on the bus and that it was a very traumatic experience for him. She was in tears as she told me that while she hated it for Sam, it was his reality. He is going to need a wheelchair. He isn't always going to be able be carried and for motor/physical support, he NEEDS the wheelchair.
That afternoon, as I put Sam on the bus, I felt my eyes well up with tears. I smiled and cheered for him and told him he was a brave, big boy but inside my heart was breaking. I know I'm rambling and I've said this before, but I'm saying it again... my heart goes out to parents and families of children with special needs. There reality is not our reality and sometimes it well... just plain bites!
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