Family is Forever

Family is Forever

Monday, January 28, 2008

New Links

So, I've added some new links to my blog page. Many things go through my mind as I think about each one. One is about my friend, Trish who after a normal pregnancy, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl with special needs. The other one I just added is about a couple in NJ who after IV found out they were pregnant with triplets. Unfortunately, one of the babies died at around age 4 months. I found their blog while looking at Trish's blog. I read hers daily. I guess my point for posting about each of them is that they really make me think about life and appreciate the little things. I saw a sign the other day that said, "Appreciate the little things in life, because tomorrow they become big things!" Its so true.

I haven't read the one about the short bus just yet, but I thought I'd post that one too.

So, if you ever have time and want to read some quality stuff, they both have great entries. Have kleenex handy, though. Its way better than Lifetime!

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