Family is Forever

Family is Forever

Thursday, December 01, 2005


Tuesday night I played hookie from class and watched, "The Biggest Loser." I use to think that you had to be really fat to be on that show, so I wouldn't qualify. Man, was I wrong. I am REALLY fat! F-A-T: fat. I have gained 20 pounds since moving to West Palm Beach. Now granted some of it I can blame on my underactive thyroid, but that should be under control now and I need to lose some damn weight! I have tried Curves and L. A. Weightloss since I've been here. Now I am huffin and puffin it at L.A. Fitness (a gym). I bet I own every weightloss book out there. South Beach, Sugar Busters, Suzanne Somers, and I could start a library with all the Weight Watchers paraphenelia I own! So anyway, I'm watching "The Biggest Loser" and realize that there are girls on there my height and weight. I got all pumped up about losing weight while watching the show. Then reality kicked in: McDonalds, Taco Bell, KFC, Cake Icing, Cheesecake... you name it, I eat it. I'm not really sure why. Loneliness, boredom, the love of food. I also realized that I don't like to exercise. It hurts my body. I'm not much for pain. Then there's the fact that despite what the doctor says about my thyroid, I have no energy. I know some of you are thinking that I am a selfish brat for writing about this, but I'm not. I know how blessed I am. I can still buckle my seatbelt on an airplane and sit on rides at the fair. I can walk without having chestpains and run from cops when necessary (that hasn't happened in a while.) So, the bottom line is, I've got to make a plan. I'm not sure what it will entail. Maybe I'm a candidate for gastric bypass???

1 comment:

Patyrish said...

Aww Janie I don't think you are a selfish brat at all! I understand what you are saying though. I am usually always on a diet even though I am no where near where I need or want to be right now.
You are beautiful and don't let anyone tell you any different....what the heck are you running from the cops for by the way!?