Family is Forever

Family is Forever

Monday, May 12, 2008

Guess What???

I have a date. Yep, a real life date with a real life man who I did NOT meet on the internet or pick up in a bar. Geez, that sounded bad. I'm not judging anybody who has met their significant other in the above mentioned places. Its just that those of you who know me, know my luck with internet dating and picking guys up in bars. Need I say more?

So, despite losing 43 pounds, having a decent hair style, and 31 years of wisdom, I still have that "oh my gosh, what the hell have I done, nervous queezy stomach feeling!?!" What is wrong with me?

I'll update you later on how it goes. We're meeting up tomorrow night after my class. Don't worry, Aunt Barbara, he's safe. He's a cousin of my friend, Amber. He's 27 and I'm sure he'd dump me right now before we had our first date if he knew I was blogging about him. So, I will end with that.

1 comment:

Patyrish said...

YAY! so how'd it go!?!?!? DETAILS PLEASE!