Family is Forever

Family is Forever

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Butterflies, Rainbows and Shooting Stars

I love reading other people's blogs, especially those that I have something in common with. There's one I've been reading for the past 2 and half years called 'Multiple Baby Pile-Up.' I didn't really have much in common with the author of this blog up until the loss of my JD. If you get a chance to read her blog, you should. She finds humor in sad situations and has two of the most beautiful girls ever. While the mother of this blog's mourning situation is a bit different, I liked the way she describes her son Jack to her girls. See, she was pregnant with triplets. Her sweet baby boy lived about two months. The girls are now 3. To keep their brother's memory alive she reminds the girls that everytime they see a rainbow, butterfly or shooting star its their Jack looking over them from heaven. Her comments give me hope in knowing that whenever I see one of those things, I am reminded of my angel baby looking over us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Someone told me the same thing shortly after I lost my mom, but about pennies. My friend called it "Pennies from Heaven". I still to this day (almost 18 years later)still think of her when I find a penny on the ground. It's amazing how something so small can bring peace and rememberence to someone so special. I love you, Janie... and I'm praying for you!!