Family is Forever

Family is Forever

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Angels in Waiting... this one may make ya cry!

So I was listening to GAC this morning while getting dressed and this video came on. Its an old video and I'd seen it before but today it made me want to dig out old pictures of my daddy and connect with him.

I went to a wedding last weekend. The mother of the bride had died a year ago of cancer. They placed a coursage on a chair in memory of her while playing a song about angels. I can't remember the song but it was sweet. I've seen people place rose stems in chairs at weddings but never an actual coursage.

Sorry, I digressed, about the video... I know the song was written about two brothers who died at a very young age of cystic fibrosis but it really made me think about my daddy. He didn't have CF but he had other obstacles all throughout his life that at the very young age of 33 caught up with him.

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