Family is Forever

Family is Forever

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Father's Day 2008

I found this poem and felt the need to post it. Sorry, I try not post such serious stuff but I've been in one of those moods lately. Before you read the poem I should "set the stage" as my friend Wendi would say. For starters, I was never a daddy's girl. While I know that he loved me very much we never had that sort of bond that alot fathers and daughters have. I crave to have that bond but know that its not possible. My only wish is that if I one day have a daughter of my own, she can have that bond with her daddy. My daddy died when I was 12 years old. As you already know that being an adolescent is a difficult time for any kid what with hormones, middle school, etc. For me, it was even a tougher time. I took on alot of responsibility at an early age and because of that, my daddy and I didn't necessarily connect. So the purpose of the poem... They say hind-sight is 20/20. If I could go back and do things over this is what I'd do:

Happy Father's Day
by Tami Blackwell
Give 'em a hug, a great big kiss.
Because one day, he will be greatly missed.

My daddy has gone far away from this land,
I miss the precious touch of his loving hands.

I never knew last year was the last day,
I could look at my daddy, hug him, and say:
"I love you, Daddy! Happy Father's Day!"

Don't let one day go by without telling him
how dear he is!
Remember you may not have another year to tell him this!

All I have now is great memories, a heart
full of love and eyes full of tears, and
to remember his love throughout the years.

Now I will have to look up at the stars and
say, "I love you, Daddy! Happy Father's Day!"

1 comment:

Patyrish said...

That is a beautiful poem. I am sure your Daddy is looking down on you so proud of what you have become J.