Family is Forever

Family is Forever

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Here's To Finding a Good Man!

There's a country music singer who sings a song about finding a good man. I don't remember her name. Anyway, its a funny song and it prompted me to write this entry and create this want ad:

And my mother says I'm too picky! The custodian at my school was teasing me about still being single at my age. He says its slim pickins the older you get. His words, not mine. I do agree. Anyway, he agreed with my mom and said that I was too picky. I told him that wasn't true. He said, "oh, I see, you'll settle for a man with a bachelor's degree instead of a master's degree?" To which I laughed and said, "no just having a job will get him in the door." I am picky about alot of things, but degrees are of no importance. I have every right to be picky, I've waited this long. I'm not settling.

Seriously, where does anybody go to find a decent date? I'm not asking for a proposal, just dinner and a movie. There is NOBODY left on this planet my age to go out with. I'm finally feeling confident about myself and I don't know where to go to find men. Ok, I've got to stop. I sound way too desperate!


Erika said...

Not sure where to find a good man either. It is a mystery. Maybe by getting involved in some local organizations (if you have any free time at all). Or...maybe a running club since you've taken an interest in that. Or...maybe you might be able to meet other young professionals in a group like the Tallahassee Network for Young Professionals... Just a thought.

Patyrish said...

You are not too picky, just havent found the right guy yet. You should never settle! You deserve the best.