Family is Forever

Family is Forever

Friday, March 21, 2008

Life in a Small Town

I love this small town life I lead. Its just funny sometimes. Why, do people think that just because its spring its time to create burn piles in their front yards??? I HATE burn piles. I especially hate burn piles when I'm trying to practice for my 5k and come across one while already trying not to lose a lung from running. Which, by the way, I suck. I've been practicing since last Friday and I am still only able to do a mile in a little over 12 minutes! What is wrong with me? I know I shouldn't be so hard on myself. Its only been a week and I only recently lost weight.

Speaking of weight, and small town gossip... today was the 'Teacher of the Year' breakfast. All the teachers who won for their school were honored with a plaque and $250. I haven't seen alot of people since my weightloss transformation so it was exciting to see friends I haven't seen in a while. The video was funny too because it was taken 30 pounds ago. You can really tell a difference. Anyway, my sister called me today after school and said that her friend Rachel called her. Rachel was at the breakfast too. Molly said Rachel couldn't get over how "hot" I looked. She said I really looked beautiful. To which my sister replied, "she was beautiful even 30 pounds ago." Gotta love my little sister. Which is true. I have always been beautiful, but now I have so much more energy and I'm happy with both the inside and outside appearance, so I guess I really do glow. Hope that didn't come out conceited.

Last, about small town business... I was at the beauty shop the other day getting my hair cut and colored. As my stylist is washing my hair she says, "Adam says he saw you running down the road the other day. He said to tell you that's not safe and to join a gym." Her husband is my realtor and he went to school with Molly. How funny is that?

1 comment:

Erika said...

hee love Wakulla. There's no place like home!