Family is Forever

Family is Forever

Monday, March 24, 2008

My Sauconies

Not sure how you write "Saucony" to make it plural so forgive me if its wrong! My friend Trish wanted to see a picture of my new running shoes. That's why I'm adding these pictures. Don't tell my mom I put the shoes on the bed. LOL! Unfortunately they aren't "magic" running shoes, but they come pretty darn close. I can jog for 30 minutes without losing a lung or snotting all over the place, now. I still can't do 3 miles in 30 minutes but I figure if I'm ever being chased by the Costa Riccan policia again, this time I'll be able to outrun them! LOL! True story, I'll tell ya later.

1 comment:

Patyrish said...

Girl you GOTTA tell me the costa riccan policia story SERIOUSLY!

Shoes are lookin like you are USING THEM!