Family is Forever

Family is Forever

Friday, March 21, 2008

I am the girl who...

gets all dressed up and feels "smokin' hot" when all of sudden she looks in the mirror and sees a crusty under her nose.

has a chance to flirt with a hot guy and her mind goes blank!

is scared to wear high heels because her left knee is prone to give out on her.

rushes out of the house for a Miss Wakulla meeting only to discover that she forgot to wax her upper lip.

cries at funerals, when she thinks her mom is mad with her, when other people cry and Publix commercials.

who will write more later when she comes up with more ideas.

I've been wanting to write this for a while now. The reason being is to find a somewhat humorous way to sort of explain something a "friend" (I use that term loosely!) said to me one time...
I once had a "friend" tell me that I had low self-esteem. She also told me that I didn't give myself enough credit for the great things in my life. After getting really pissed off at her, I thought about her words and confronted her. I told her that I have been at the very top of my game and I have been at the very bottom. Needless to say, I didn't enjoy the bottom. So, I try very hard to stay somewhere in the middle. I also know that I am who I am because of God and all the wonderful people He has put in my life. I am blessed with determination and strength. I also know my talents. I don't have to go around flaunting them to other people.

1 comment:

Erika said...

Rock on Janie!